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My work may be going on strike...

PostPosted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 12:18 am
by Spector
If you havent seen it on the news, the company I work for, Fry's Food (Arizona only) may be going on strike, due to some STUPID thing about benefits with The Union.

The good news is Im not a Union member, so they cant force me to strike, and temp hires will replace the strikers. If so, I may be working with some new girls. :lol:.
The bad news is that Ive heard theres a possibility that they may lock the doors to both employees and customers. A STUPID move, but possible. If thats the case, I would be making NO money, even though Im still employed. Wouldnt strike OR work.

Either way, all the Union members will be FORCED to strike, drasticly lowering thier pay. This saddens me, cause I work with some people who are moms with unemployed husbands, working to provide for their kids. if this happens, they wont be able to survive. Not to mention theres no telling how long this stike may go on. Maybe a few weeks, or a few years. It has happened.

I wish for you to pray that this strike will not happen. No one wins with them. And if it does, that God will provide for all the employees needs.
Either way, this could mean a few new girls for me to meet (wishful thinking :grin:), or new possibilitys in the new job I would be forced to find...or nothing at all..

May His will be done.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 2:29 am
by Dante
Wait. A strike right before Thanksgiving and Christmas. Wow, that would... I think the company would at least try to play along to get themselves over the holidays first before playing with that one. It would devastate their sales and possibly bankrupt the company (at least after the hardships we've had before, due to the economy in Arizona after the housing market and those stupid cookie cutters they threw up across Phoenix).

On top of it all, the issues at hand (from what I just found at AZ aren't exactly trivial either. There is a $1.55 raise at stake (which is crucial because of inflation (And besides which, minimum wage went up so others are expecting a wage increase as well)) and the issue of their requiring monthly payments (At the tune of $60 a month) now for health insurance (whereas before the article suggested the company provided it for their employees for free (Which is expected out of any well respected company of any size. Seriously.)).

It doesn't just seem to be Fry's alone either, but Safeway as well. In which case, if this thing seems like it's going to go down I'd better stack up a little (I live in Flagstaff) :P. Either one of the companies could sink themselves if they don't come to an agreement with the unions however (the holidays being where they generally switch into the black) and so I don't think they'll be foolish enough to invoke a strike, at least not now, and that is what I think the Unions are betting on as well.

I depend a lot on groceries myself to keep things going and so do a lot of other people, so I'll definitely be dropping a line up to God on this. But at the same time, I'd rather see this work out in favor of the workers instead of the wall street brokers and fat cats in corporate.



PostPosted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 1:35 pm
by Tsukuyomi
I'll pray that all works out ^^

I agree with Pascal.. really bad move right before the main holidays begin >__>; Well, I guess some things can't be worked out.. Depending on the reason why that is :-?

Nonetheless, I really hope things work out :)

PostPosted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 1:41 pm
by Nate
Actually, what Pascal was saying is it's a very GOOD move. The companies can't afford to have workers strike like this, which give incentive for the company to at least start bargaining with the union, if not flat-out give in to their demands. It's a pretty brilliant strategy.

I'll pray for a quick resolution with the best results, whatever that may be.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 8:48 pm
by shiroineko
That is just much greediness in this world ~_~; I pray that God will cover you all and prevent this strike from happening.

PostPosted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 12:00 am
by Spector
Well, if you havent heard, the strike was canceled about 6 hours before it was planned to happen. Praise God.

Now, pray for any after effects this may cause.