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Please, please pray...

PostPosted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 2:12 pm
by shiroineko
I'm desperate to get out of my parents house. I can't figure my father out, all he ever does is treat me like garbage. He curses at me, puts me down, yells at me over senseless stuff....he claims he's a Christian, but from the way he acts I would pretty much say he's backslidden, although I sometimes question whether he has been transformed by Christ at all. He also refuses to go to our church anymore, and the way he reacts to and treats people does not reflect Christ's nature at all. At this point I'm just so fed up with living with him. I'm old enough to be out on my own, but the issue is is that I've currently got a year of graduate school left and my babysitting job can't even afford apartment expenses and stuff. I'm considering teaching overseas for a while when I'm done with school, so I almost feel like I have to "hang in there" for for the time being....I'm sorry for turning this into a rant of sorts, I wasn't trying to aim at that...I guess what i could really use prayer for is for God to preserve my sanity, help me to continue to walk in love, for increased patience in dealing with him, and for him to truly embrace the Lord in his life. And if anyone has any counsel to offer, especially if you have lived with parents like this, I'd really like to hear your stories.... Thanks so much..

PostPosted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 4:16 pm
by rocklobster
I think I'll put you in my prayer circle. You seem like you could use some.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 5:15 pm
by Makachop^^128
wow : ( I'm sorry will be praying for you.

it might make it worse but you might want to confront him about him being a christain or just pray for him.