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Another access challenge --Imaging Center

PostPosted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 3:08 pm
by Sheenar
See this thread for my previous experience with this hospital.

I am in a frustrating situation and I really need your prayers.
I went to the Imaging Center for a blood draw today. Routine stuff. Pebbles and I have been there before and were allowed back with no hassle, no problems.
But today, this lady there gave us a really hard time. Told me Pebbles would contaminate the needles and equipment if she went back (which is not true --needles are packaged and Pebbles' feet are no dirtier than the bottoms of people's shoes--I keep her clean and well-groomed.). I said that, by law, I am allowed to be accompanied by my service dog in the back and explained that I had been there several times before with her with no problems. I wanted to be treated like everyone else.
She said she needed to do the blood draw in the lobby. I repeated what I had
said before. She went away to call her supervisor. She comes back and says that she would need to do my blood draw in my car. I again repeat what I had said before --I am allowed to be accompanied by my service dog and should be treated like everyone else. She goes away again to call her supervisor.

I try to get a hold of one of the trainers from CPL, but everyone was out to lunch, I think. While I was leaving a message, she comes back in and calls me back to the room (finally!). But she says that Pebbles will have to wait in the hallway. So I put Pebbles in a down (laying down) by the door where we can still see each other. The lady does the blood draw and I am done (in less than a minute!). Pebbles and I then leave. A one minute blood draw turned into a 30 minute trying to educate the lady and be let back in the room.

I want to handle this appropriately --being firm but still being kind. I just want to make sure that the Imaging Center is following the law and that others with service dogs will be treated well in the future. I plan on writing them a letter telling them what happened and what the laws are concerning people with disabilities and service dogs. I want good to come out of this. Please pray that this will get through to them somehow.

I have to go back to the Imaging Center on Monday for a CT scan. Please pray that there are no more access issues. Having a test done is stressful enough.

Thank you. :D

PostPosted: Thu Feb 26, 2009 6:18 pm
by mechana2015
Sounds like the hospital worker needs to be introduced to the general points of the PDA. The only place that should ever be close to an issue (and still isn't, legally) is in places that serve and produce food. If I remember correctly service dogs are the restaurant exception, ant pretty much should be the exception everywhere else. Be firm with them though, it will eventually get through to someone who actually knows the law and will correct the issue.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2009 11:17 pm
by Sheenar
I got a phone call Friday (yesterday) from the PR lady at the hospital. She apologized profusely for what happened and said that they would talk to the woman on Monday about it and would make sure that it doesn't happen again.

Thank you guys for your prayers. :)

Oh, and the law you're referring to is the ADA, not the PDA. :)

PostPosted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 5:37 pm
by Roz
There ya go! Sometimes people just need to be enlightened! I'm glad it turned out ok.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 7:00 pm
by mechana2015
Sheenar (post: 1292367) wrote:I got a phone call Friday (yesterday) from the PR lady at the hospital. She apologized profusely for what happened and said that they would talk to the woman on Monday about it and would make sure that it doesn't happen again.

Thank you guys for your prayers. :)

Oh, and the law you're referring to is the ADA, not the PDA. :)

*Forehead smack.*
I knew that acronym was wrong somehow.

Good to hear that it was straightened out.

PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 5:21 pm
by 12praiseGOD
Praying people become more educated on the business of service dogs. Praying for ya!
God bless you!