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My Sister Goes To Court

PostPosted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 10:17 pm
by Lilac#18
My sister goes to court tomorrow morning for a crime a crime she didn't do. please pray that they'll drop the charges. for those you that don't know the situation, heres the link.

On friday night,my sister was hanging out with some male friends(which she thinks/thought were her friends)parked in front of (I think)another friend's house and I guess that's when some cops broke in my sister's car and found some weed and a real gun.then that's when they busted in the house arested my sister and I thinks her friends,now she's sitting in jail for something she didn't,I think her friends set her up because they were in jail for whatever crime they did and must of broken out or something so,I think the cops were originally after her friends and she just happen to be there at the wrong time.I know a while ago she did sell weed before and she did smoke it.she's taking college coarses and had put in a job application too so please,please,please pray for her to get new friends, change her life around and to not get convicted.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 10:34 pm
by SailorDove
Dear Jesus,

I agree with Lilac in prayer for her sister's court session tomorrow. Please help her and her family though all this. Thank you for helping her sister to turn her life around. In your name we pray.