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Root canal

PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 8:24 pm
by Jaltus-bot
I'm having my first root canal done next week. Can you pray that I don't have anything else that would need a root canal soon? I have another tooth that does not look good along the bottom edge and the crown I am getting for the root canal tooth is like $700 and change. The whole thing will basically cost $1000 and I worry that I will eventually need one on the other side.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 8:54 pm
by Sheenar
I had one done last year --yeah, they're pretty expensive (and no fun) --I pray you have little pain afterwards --Let us know how it goes...

PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 8:57 pm
by Gabriel 9.0
Just think on Jesus and other happy things and you'll be just fine:thumb:. You have my prayers.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 10:11 pm
by Jaltus-bot
Sheenar (post: 1192626) wrote:I had one done last year --yeah, they're pretty expensive (and no fun) --I pray you have little pain afterwards --Let us know how it goes...

And only needing one cause I have to help may and that is coming out of school and clothing money.

Gabriel 9.0 (post: 1192627) wrote:Just think on Jesus and other happy things and you'll be just fine:thumb:. You have my prayers.

Thank you both for your prayers.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 1:44 pm
by Blitzkrieg1701
Eek. I've had a lot of stuff done too my teeth, but that's one I haven't had to endure yet. I'm praying!

PostPosted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 9:12 pm
by Jaltus-bot
I had a temporary crown and a filling done today. My teeth/gums have some definately healing to do by the feel of things. I'm a tad sore. My final crown will be porcelin coated for the same price as the metal kind. Thanks for the prayers.

Let me restate that now that I have neither novacaine nor fully effective tylenol in me. I would rather have a medicated root canal than the feeling on the edge of my gums without tylenol in me. Oh my gosh that hurt a moment ago.