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Just general prayer needed

PostPosted: Sat Nov 24, 2007 1:03 pm
by David
I think theres something wrong with me, It's like I can't do anything right and I'm starting to question if I'm actually saved and if God is actually real. I guess I just don't really know about things in my life right now. I used to be different I used to be so sure and so nice but i think that college may be corrupting me or something, I have picked up a bad cursing habbit and I used to never do that. I was raised in a christian school until I went to this college and I guess I hear cursing a whole lot more and I think I picked that up. I really feel like a horrible person and I would appreciate your prayers.

PostPosted: Sat Nov 24, 2007 5:34 pm
by 12praiseGOD
You aren't a horrible person, GOD loves you very much. Don't doubt of HIS exhistance, just think bAck on all He has done in your life. With the whole cursing business I go to a public school and here it all the time, just whenever you are about to curse pickture JESUS sitting right beside you, it might help. Some times I can have a sour tounge so sometimes I actually bite myself lightly to keep me from saying any more, yes I do do that as a matter of fact. Anyways I'll be praying, if you need any help just tell me k? I'll try my best with GOD's help ofcourse.

And by the way I have a feeling you are doubting that the Bible is true, especially about Jesus, here is one of the things I relly my creadibility on. Many people say that the 4 gospels are fake, but if you think of it if you tell me that the appostles were lying when they were writting them, you are telling me that they not only died for a lie, but here's the catch, they died for a lie, knowing it was a lie! If you look at what happened to the disciples all but one of the 12 died some horrible death because of their beliefs that JESUS was the Christ here is the list

Peter- crucified
Andrew- crucified
Matthew- the sword
John- natural
James, son of Alphaeus- crucified
Simon- crucified
Thaddaeus-killed by arrows
James, brother of Jesus-stoned
Thomas-spear thrust
James, son of Zebedee- the sword

I think they were pretty sure of what they died for here is a quote from the book More than a Carpeter from were I got the story of the disciples
"There are many definitions of "history", but hte one I prefer is "a knowledge of the past basedupon testimony" If someone says, "I don't believe that's a good definition", I as, "Do you believe that Napoleon lived?" They almost always reply, "yes" "Have you seen him?" I ask, and they confess they haven't. "How do you know, then?" Well, they are relying on testimony. This definiton of history has one inherent problem. THe testimony bust be reliable or the hearer will be misinformed. I can trust the apostles testimonies bcause, of those men, eleven died martyrs death on the basis of two things: The resurrection of Christ, and their belief in him as the Son of God. They were tortured and fogged, and they finally faced death by some of the cruelest methods then known. ...The responsethat is usually chorusted back is theis: "Why, a lot of people have died for a lie; so what ddoes it prove?"
Yes, a lot of people have died for a lie, but they thought it was the truth. Now if the resurrectiondidn't take place the disciples knew it. I find no way to demonsstrate that they could have been decieved. Therefore theses eleven men not only died for a lie-here is the catch-but they knew it was a lie. It would be hard to find eleven people inhistory who died for a like knowing it was a lie..." from More than a Carpenter by Josh McDowell.

PostPosted: Sat Nov 24, 2007 5:49 pm
by SP1
Doubting: Well, I think most of us go through this. Christianity is a faith thing, after all. Faith is tested. Like most tests in college, the faith test is really hard. Some of the great "lights" of Christianity had periods where they were unsure of their salvation. In the end, they just had to cling to God's promise. Seriously, what else is there?

Swearing: I managed to hold off on this too much until I got in the Navy, then it caught up to me in a big way. Be assured of this: to a small circle of friends, this can seem cool. To everyone else, especially most desirable females, it is immature. You can try to sustitute "soft" words instead, but this can also leave a bad impression. You need to practice silence instead. One thing that might work: most people you are likely to have as friends (the real kind) will understand that you want to stop swearing for one reason or another. They can help. So mention that you are trying to stop to a few (or one) friends so they can back you up (pointing out errors is great feedback here). You might find out that at least one other person is also uncomfortable with this habit in themselves, and you can support each other.


PostPosted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 2:56 am
by David
Thank you guys so much SP1 and 12praisegod. That was some awesome advice. I am starting to remember why I believe in God again and I feel alot better about myself and my faith. It really helps to have you guys praying and giving me advice. Since this thread is about giving me general prayer I thought that I should mention some other things I've been struggling with,( oh and I don't want to sound like a sob story this is just what happened) ok so my girlfreind dumped me and went out with some other guy and my grandma died of cancer last week. My grandma was in the hospital for about 2 weeks and then she died of lung cancer. I got to talk to her about 2 days before she died but I was close to her and it hurts that she is gone.I dated my girlfriend for about 1 and a half years now and it's painful that she is gone as well. So just keep me in those prayers. I really need God to give me strength where I don't have any at all.