Hey, guys. This week I'm headed off to colorado with my mother, my aunt, and my cousin Dan. Dan is someone I care for a lot. We grew up together, and as children we were basically best friends. His sister and I still are and I've been used as an important part in bringing her back to Christ but Dan... Well... He's not really an atheist that I know of. God's just pretty low on his priority list. He's a non-theist... a... Really, a nothing religious at all type, you know? He doesn't have a beliefeset that is defined in any direction what so ever. He just doesn't care. He's a musician trying to build a career out of his passion, and that's the only thing on his mind. The devotion he's put towards it is amazing, really, but that's a story for another time. Needless to say, I both admire and love my cousin.
Soo... The trip. I'm gonna be basically alone with this guy for a week. We're gonna go camping around some old stomping grounds, and play games, and chill in our collective favorite place in the world... And I'd like to be able to plant a seed. Pray that God uses me however He sees fit. Pray that the moment is opened, that I don't miss the moment, and that I don't screw anything up. Yeah... I think that's pretty much it.