I need to ask for prayers once again for the same friend of mine from California that I've posted about here a lot before.
In particular, her mom seems to think that now that the spring semester of online college courses we were both in has ended, she should just spend all her time working for her. She's running errands and cooking and babysitting and doing overtime at her job as a legal assistant at her dad's office and generally getting run ragged.
This exhaustion is on top of and compounding the physical health symptoms she's had for a while and still hasn't been able to have checked out.
Worst, she's having trouble making time for her spiritual life in the middle of all of this, and she feels like she's backsliding - like her attitude is worsening and that she isn't as concerned about it as she should be. (I tell her any "normal" person would have gotten bitter and petulant long ago.) She thinks all her friends are moving closer to God whereas she's dry and stuck in a rut.
She's also pondering some theological issues that she needs sound advice about, but she can't get any opportunity to talk to her pastor because her parents think it's just a phase she's going through in making her faith her own and it's not worth the pastor's time.
Finally, her whole family is leaving for Florida tomorrow for a memorial service for her grandad, who died just before Easter, and they'll be getting back Saturday.
Please pray...
That her mom will have some compassion and stop working her so hard...
That she'll have the energy to handle the load in the meantime...
That she'll be able to feel God's presence and commune with him...
That she'll be honest with God and trust in Him to give her the right attitude...
That the physical symptoms she's had to put up with so long (especially constant headaches) will be taken away or that she'll be able to go to a doctor...
That she'll be able to find Godly counsel for her theological questions or that God will lead her to a place of clarity in some other way...
That the trip to Florida and back will go smoothly and safely...
That her family will generally be healed and restored to what a Christian family should be, and especially that her dad will take a greater leadership role! I won't go into details, but that last part is really needed.