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Mission trip training

PostPosted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 11:44 am
by RedMage
The first training session for the mission trip to Mexico I'm going on is tonight at my church. It's an all-night affair, we bring sleeping bags and whatnot. :P I'd appreciate prayers that I'll learn a lot from it, that I'll get to know people quickly and "fit in," and that I won't give anybody the cold I'm getting over :lol: (spreading germs around is not a good way to make yourself popular!).

PostPosted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 1:39 pm
by Tenshi no Ai
Since when is it about making yourself popular? Yeah I know it was sort of a joke, but you know, there's a difference between being popular and making some friends^^ *cough* But anyhow^^ I'll be praying...

PostPosted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 1:57 pm
by RedMage
Tenshi no Ai wrote:Since when is it about making yourself popular? Yeah I know it was sort of a joke, but you know, there's a difference between being popular and making some friends^^ *cough* But anyhow^^ I'll be praying...

Oh yes, I agree, Tenshi. I was mostly kidding, but in all seriousness, I'd prefer not to make everybody sick. :sweat:

PostPosted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 1:15 pm
by RedMage
It went very nicely, just so you all know, I won't bore with you rambling details.