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Do i go? Or not? God guide me.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 8:32 am
by KarateGirl
Hey guys, i got a request for
Lemme explain.

An opertunity for me to go to Japan as an exchange student (!!!) this or next summer has been placed at my feet. I currently don't speak any Japanese(haha,other then the very few words i have picked up from Anime/Manga) but i am going to begin classes on that shortly after the newyear.
The trip would be from 4 to 3 weeks long (it depends if i decided to spend an extra $600 for a "cram school" on japanese when i get there) and the cost is in the neighborhood of $3000. I have a friend who is almost totally certian that he will be going (and staying with a family who's son was an exchange student at their house) next year.
I also have another friend, who went to Colima Mexico on a mission trip last year and is going again this year, she kinda wants me to come along also. So i am being torn in to directions.
With all honesty, i don't feel a desire to go to Colima, and i do want to go to Japan with a passion. But, the trip to Japan is no mission. Would it be...wrong to go to Japan then? I really don't know. Well, what i am asking for, is first, prayer. Please pray that i will have a hearing and a discerning heart. I want to let God decide what to do and then fallow. Second, if God truly wants me to go to Colima...Insted of Japan, to give me the desire to go. Third, if the answer i Japan, to provide the money. And lastly if the answer is neither, that i will be gratefull for the opertunity even though it wasn't ment for me.

I was kinda rambling, so any questions or wisdom you'd like to impart to me, feel free to PM me.

Wow, i didn't mean for it to be this long...srry!!!

Thanks and Merry Christmas,


PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 8:37 am
by shooraijin
Why must all your travel be a mission?

You have a great chance to go to Japan and improve your understanding of the language and culture. Plus, if you do decide to do missions work in Japan in the future, you've already had the experience and know what you're getting into. Maybe this can be used to help you divine what God has in store.

I think the missions trip to Mexico with your friend would be great ... but not all your travel must be missionary work! :)

PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 3:08 pm
by kaze
They both sound like great opportunities...

Hmm...If you go to Mexico, you can be a missionary...but maybe if you go to Japan, you might have an opportunity to tell at least one or two people about Christianity.

But no matter where you go, I think you'll have a great time and be a reflection of God. ^^

PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 3:09 pm
by Spiritsword
I will most definitely pray for you, Amber!

That's such an exciting opportunity to go to Japan! I hope God gives you a discerning heart and allows you to make the decision which is in line with His will.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 19, 2003 7:36 pm
by Rogie
Congratulations! I guess my advice would be that since you're pretty sure that you would be happier going to Japan, you would be more willing to work for God while studying in Japan. (Plus, it's more of a challenge to serve God on a trip that isn't originally intended as work for Him, and we all may need a challenge once in a while, right?).

Of course, the final decision rests between you and God and I will pray that He will give you guidance in this situation. Congrats again!

PostPosted: Sat Dec 20, 2003 12:48 pm
by JediSonic
I agree with shooby, there is no reason that all your traveling should be missionary work. However, if you really feel that God is calling you one way or another of course you should go wherever he tells you ;)

PostPosted: Sat Dec 20, 2003 1:55 pm
by true_noir_chloe
I'd agree with Shoo too. ^_^

I'll be praying for you and for God's will to be accomplished in your life.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 22, 2003 9:36 am
by Shinja
japan! cool, can i come :thumb:

ill pray you make the right desision, but i wouldnt worry about it too much. you never know you may be a better witness in japan than in mexico.