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PostPosted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 6:35 pm
by Chu-Chu
I'm having a problem that is just eating me up inside. I am extremely depressed, mostly because I have a lot of things going on right now. I need surgery to remove a tumor under my arm that is harmless, but painful. Meanwhile, I'm very stressed out at school. I don't have much of a place to go. I've tried talking to friends but they just tell me to pray, as if I'm not praying! They make me feel like just because I'm depressed and not happy means that I'm not right with God. Well, I know that isn't true, because the only way I've been able to get through these past few weeks is by Jesus walking with me all the way. I have truly experienced many miracles these past few weeks, things that I know God is using to help me. I'm not hopeless, the problem is, I'm still very depressed. I find it hard to study for school and I'm worried sick of falling behind because of my lack of concentration. The worst part is, I'm beginning to feel guilty for feeling so down. I know I shouldn't, but after awhile it just starts to get to me. No one is taking me seriously even though I know something isn't right. It isn't right or healthy to feel this way and I'm tired of hurting, it tires me physically and mentally. The problem is, I have no where to go and no one to talk to, so all of this stress and anxiety just sits inside of me and grows. I'm trying very hard to find a group of people I can just talk to, because I know I need some help right now. I just feel pushed away and lonely which is only making things worse. I never wanted it to get this bad, but I'm having a difficult time without anyone to speak to. Please pray that I find some friends I can depend on at this tough moment in my life. God never gives us more than we can bear, and I know this depression won't last forever. I'm just praying that I can get some help. Thank you.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 6:53 pm
by Artist4Jesus89
I am praying ... i myself have had a recent battle with depression and it hasnt been to easy and people think that because you are depressed means that you arent right with God just dont let them tell you that... God will help you just remember that which i can tell you have but im praying! PM if you need to talk

PostPosted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 8:43 pm
by Yahshua
I will prays for ya.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 9:32 pm
by SP1
Hmm, perhaps you can point some people to the book of Job. Lots of bad things happen to Job, as we know. And his friends use up about 30+ chapters of this book tying to convince Job that bad things are happening to him because he has sinned. Job knows better, because he knows he is otherwise right with God. Well, don't beat them over the head with it like Job does his friends, for their sake. However, understand that when you suffer, God (through Jesus) knows exactly what you are feeling.

If you are continually depressed and it is interfering with your daily life, it's time to get counselling help. Perhaps in your case a christian counsellor or minister can get you started. You've had a lot of stress on you in the last year, so it's no wonder it is taking a toll. Keep living each day and you will get this behind you.

Praying for you.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 2:39 pm
by Ryupower
I'll pray for you. I know how depression is. Ever tried using the school issue to get your mind off of it all?

PostPosted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 8:43 am
by Chu-Chu
SP1 wrote:Hmm, perhaps you can point some people to the book of Job. Lots of bad things happen to Job, as we know. And his friends use up about 30+ chapters of this book tying to convince Job that bad things are happening to him because he has sinned. Job knows better, because he knows he is otherwise right with God. Well, don't beat them over the head with it like Job does his friends, for their sake. However, understand that when you suffer, God (through Jesus) knows exactly what you are feeling.

If you are continually depressed and it is interfering with your daily life, it's time to get counselling help. Perhaps in your case a christian counsellor or minister can get you started. You've had a lot of stress on you in the last year, so it's no wonder it is taking a toll. Keep living each day and you will get this behind you.

Praying for you.

Thank you, I just keep trusting God and I know this won't last forver, it just hurts to hear people say those things, just because I'm not always happy. I think I do need counseling, I'm just not sure where to go. I'm thinking of talking to my parents about it, but they usually don't take me seriously. My mom has gone through much more than I have without any help, I'm afraid that because she did it, she won't take me seriously. Please pray that I can find a way, because I can only deal with so many things at once. Thank you so much for your prayers, it means a lot to me.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 9:32 am
by Jingo Jaden
In my prayer. Remember you are a great gal. :)

PostPosted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 3:43 pm
by Chu-Chu
Thank you everybody for your prayers. I am feeling a little better today, but that may be because I got my wisdom teeth removed and I'm on strong painkillers....LOL! BUt again, thank you for your prayers, they give me strength.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 4:15 pm
by Tenshi no Ai
I'll be praying for you as well...

PostPosted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 4:44 pm
by narutofreak
I will be praying for you! I understand what you are going through!

PostPosted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 8:14 pm
by Pinecone Tortoi
A while back I had a while of feeling... well, not unhappy, but just not happy. Sort of melancholy, but not properly sad. Doctor said I should exercise. Apparently exercise releases endorphins - natural happy chemicals - so if your problem is physical, not spiritual, perhaps that physical fix would help?



PostPosted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 6:50 pm
by fairyprincess90
i've been depressed. many times.
its hard to get out of but it doesnt last forever.
keep praying to god. i usually just spill out everything to Him and even though he knows everything it helps to just cry to him sometimes.

i'll be praying for you.