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Desperate!! PLEASE READ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PostPosted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 12:14 pm
by girlninja
Hey guys,

I have some things going on that I need some prayer and guidance on.

My fiancee and i recently moved back in with my mom. That is fine and dandy. However, my fiancee crashed my car a few months ago and now he is going to get kicked of my mom's insurance *cars in my name* and has to get his own. Well I looked around and basically can't afford it. Well anyways I was going to put it on mine, meaning get off my mom's and get my own.

Well I told my mom this and she started to SCREAM at me, very loudly. I asked her why she was screaming at me. She continued to yell and I got to the point where I just hung up. I couldnt' talk to her when she started that. WEll I'm not sure if that is what God wanted me to do, but I didn't want to say something I will later regret. That happened a few hours ago. Well Now I want to declare independence from my mom. I'm trying to get in touch with my financial aid advisor to see how this will affect me financially. Also I want to know if any of you will know how this will affect me. I want to know what to expect.

FOr those who are too young to understand this or who have no idea, please pray. My fiancee and I are going to most likely leave my mom's house and well...I don't htink that is going to go over well. I do not want to place myself in that enviroment. I also have to get a new car this insurance..and i do not know if I can do it...Truly I feel like i"m losing hope. THings have been so bad in the last two months with everything...I don't know. I know God is there but I feel..I feel so alone and helpless and well kinda shut off. Now I'm rambling.sorry. Anyways, All advice will be appreciated! PLease respond as soon as possible!


PostPosted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 12:26 pm
by Jingo Jaden
Woah, not an easy stage of life.

I will be praying.

PostPosted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 12:28 pm
by Tenshi no Ai
I'll be praying for you as well...

PostPosted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 12:37 pm
by Ryupower
I'm praying that God'll give you two wisdom and favor. :)

PostPosted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 5:40 pm
by SP1
Get a cheap, used car that worth less than $500. Get the minimum amount of insurance that you legally have to carry. Run the deductibles high (like to $500). Since the deductible is more than the car's worth, consider NOT taking collision coverage for your car. That basically means liability and medical coverage only. Don't carry the BF on your insurance. As a guy under 25-27 and having had an accident, he will sky your premiums. He just needs not to drive unless he gets 1) his own car and 2) his own insurance. He needs to keep up his end here, since he trashed your car.

Praying that this works out for you.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 7:31 am
by girlninja
Thanks SP..i really appreciate advice..

Man, It just really stinks...*shakes head* I have no mother and no father. What is that verse, "Even if your mother and father abandon you, I will not." I'm praying that promise is kept. He is all I have left..

PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 8:58 am
by Jingo Jaden
Awwww, I hope things will turn out well for you. I will be praying.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 9:19 am
by USSRGirl
I'll pray for you Ninjagirl. Do you have any grants/federal aid for college? They can help a lot. However, if you declare independence I'm pretty sure you won't get as much financial aid. You could try a works study program where you work at the campus bookstore or something to make up the difference.

I know where you're coming from, and it's hard to feel that helpless and alone. Please don't completely disown your mom though. I've heard that college and early 20's is when you need your parents the most. Even if she was wrong to scream at you, people get angry. If someone crashed your car you might have overreacted too. Even if you do still want to declare indepence and move out, you might at least try keeping in contact with her by letters, phone, or E-mail. I have no idea what your mom's side of the story, but remember that God says to forgive others as He forgives us.

Your Comrade in Christ,

PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 9:27 am
by girlninja
I do have financial aid but also have a scholarship as well. I read into it and they can not declare me independent until i'm 24 so I would have to talk to my school. I know she was angry but this is not the first time she has berated me. I know that she cares but this is not what is best for me. So *shrugs* I don't know.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 12:57 pm
by USSRGirl
Ninja, oh yeah I heard from another college that only seniors can be independent. Hang in there. No one ever really gets what's 'best' for them. You just have to deal with what you got in life and take it from there. If your mom's got problems keeping her temper, than I'd try not to take her too seriously when she yells/screams/freaks out. Try to ignore her and keep the peace. If you know any older adults you could talk to for support, like a pastor or someone, that might help. Remember that God's with you. He'll get you through it.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 4:26 am
by Nami
*huggles GN-Sama* Aw, GN, I feel bad for you, I will definately be praying for you! But remember, God is there, and we will be here for you too!! If you ever need to talk or anything feel free to talk to me or someone older. ^^ I may only be 16, but I do understand a lot. I know how it is to have parent trouble *rolls her eyes at ther Father*

But, I want you to know I will be here for ya!! *hugs*

Your sister in Christ
