For faith
PostPosted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 4:19 pm
Let me start by saying this: I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for the prayers you lifted up for me beforehand, when I was doubting my salvation so much. I still doubt at times, still wonder if I'm saved, and if I even can be, but not hardly as much. THose fears haven't come in some time, but they do bother me at times with talk about the end, but I take comfort in how close I have been to Jesus lately. Anyway, I want to continue to grow in my faith, and to be like these people (the little Amish girl comes to mind) who would without hesitation give up their life with perfect faith. I want to be a good witness and grow stronger in my faith and be a rock solid example for others. I believe I am well on my way to growing, and I want it to continue. I ask that you pray for my growth in faith and knowledge.