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few different requests

PostPosted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 6:29 pm
by Tenshi no Ai
Been a while since I've made a batch of requests^^ But I remember the last time I did do one, EVERY one of the prayers were answered at very quickly too! So, gotta trust in Him once again for these....

First off, started a small Bible study with a friend of mine for people who have just graduatedish. Went to our first study last night and it was pretty good^^ I think great things are gunna come out of it with our prayers and growth and so on^^ So prayer for that developing study...

Also prayer for a friend of mine... I could say pretty much all my friends need prayer because most have either walked away from God or aren't even Christian, so I'll just take it one person at a time (and in this case I was quite close with her and miss her since I never see her anymore v_v) She's a new Christian from 2 years ago and even during that time didn't quite... get some stuff made some bad decisions and now (after she got her b/f who is also a Christian from just last year) she doesn't go to church anymore, feels no need for it, doesn't feel spiritual enough anymore and doesn't even read her Bible etc v_v With her b/f who also used to do these things (and just hearing stories on his lifestyle too) I would assume as much as well. So just prayer for her (and him as well) to come back to God and stuff.

Lastly, prayer for myself. I hoenstly dont' even know what's wrong with me anymore v_v I have sinusy symptoms only at night, which basically ALWAYS turn into a full-blown sinus cold but hasn't, feels like no matter how much sleep I get, I'm always tired (well, every day of the week, I have school to walk to and then work to go to), and even more lately, I feel weak. Oh and also this weekend, randomly felt dizzy and naxious (however it's spelled...) simply when I closed my eyes at night. Maybe I was just too tired *shrugs* But I have no clue... I know in VERY rare times I get all shaky and think "i need sugar..." been happening more than usual though. On ocassion my metabolism has sped up SO fast so I'm always hungry and today... right down again. Even though I was pretty hungy, hardly had anythign to eat and was full (this is common though^^ I'm a small person with a small stomach, with a low capacity^^) and I feel even more weaker now for whatever reason. And it's werid with this weakness feeling cause it's like my limbs feel... relaxed. Like when you wake up in the mornign and feel all comfy. Very werid stuff! Only thing I've come up with is low iron, so probably anemia (had it before). I gunna go to the doctors when I can though just to see. So yeah just prayer for... whatever's going on. Not paranoid about it, but enough to worry on the "hmm that's odd..." and be catious and stuff. *shrugs* Or maybe it's just low blood sugar. I'm really hoping not diabetes though >_< My grandma has it AND it's hereditary. Demo, ganbatte...

So yeah... those are the big things on my list for now. And thanks for the prayers^^

PostPosted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 9:47 pm
by freerock1
Lifting you and the needs you mentioned. And thanks for your faithfulness to pray for the needs here and give an encouraging word in those threads.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 5:32 pm
by SP1

You are not a small person. You are a big person wrapped in an economical size.


Praying for the whole list.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 9:54 am
by Lyrical
Your life is a mystery. I pray God helps you in it.