Postby Puritan » Tue Aug 22, 2006 2:11 pm
As some of you may or may not know, I have been in the process of finishing my Masters degree for some time now. It's been an interesting ride, but by the grace of God my penultimate thesis revision goes out today (the ultimate being after my defense committee grills me for two hours and makes their comments), and I am within about a week of finishing completely. Not only that, but I recently accepted a job that I am very excited about, and I will be moving to North Carolina soon after I have finished my thesis. So, several things. I want to praise God that I will actually be successfully finishing college (I was wondering for a while...) and that I was blessed with a great job. Beyond that, I ask for prayer for my move, with all the challenges of finding a place to live, a church to go to, and getting used to the heat of the South (where I haven't lived for almost 20 years), and my new job, which will bring many new responsibilities and challenges.
"...cease not a day from this work; be killing sin or it will be killing you." - John Owen The Mortification of Sin