recently i started evengelizing on my own and its been going very very great
but yesterday i knew i shouldnt have talked to this guy i knew i had to
get home but im ashamed to say that i judged this guy by his apeerence and thought hed just reject the message and id be on my way
but it turned out he teaches at the evil kingdom hall and has been studyng
there false doctrines for 47 years i argued with him for about a hour
GOD brought me throught it and i Praise him for it
but satan hit me hard all theese doubts and worries entered my mind
and this feeling sort of like a heartburn feeling with emptyienes has attacked
me the last time i felt this was when i was first becoming a Christian
and satan tried to get me from beliveing that i could be forgiven for certain things I Know Without A doubt That Jesus Is GOD and that He Loves me
and will keep me
Please pray for me that theese terrible attacks stop and that satan will be able to do nothing and that the evil confusin the man from kingdom hall threw
at me will leave my mind and that Jesus Will use this experience like he did the last time i had theese attacks THat He will use them to bring me even closer to him and Stronger in Him also Please pray for my mothers heart
GOD Jesus Bless you