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please PLEASE pray for me.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 5:23 pm
by bubblybubbly88
Ok.I am going through a major tuff time.Of course it's about a guy.(shruggs).I have known him for about ruffly three years and well i have been in love with him for about 1 1/2 to 2 years of that time.Well....i waited along time to hear him finally tell me that he liked me back and at that time i had fallen for him and i couldn't tell him!I mean he just told me that he liked me and wasn't about to tell him that i was in love with him.Yet.Well a couple months went by and he finally told me that he loved me and i was excited but at the same time i was scared.I mean i was afraid of him breakin my heart.My heart got in the way of my mind. :( :( Which was a BAD idea.Well he's not aloud to date yet,so it was hard for us.Eventually we ended up being alittle more than friends.We didn't go too far or anything but you know he kinda went against his parents i guess.Through the Summer we told each other thatwe loved one another then we would hold know.Then there was a mission's trip coming up and i wasn't going but he was.I was sad but i wanted him to go.I had a feeling right before he left that it was over.When he would get back it wouldn't be the same.That trip changed alot of people....even him.I am glad he saw what he had done wrong but i miss him and he said he's "rather" not be in love right now so he doesn't"think" he loves me anymore like that.I have been very sad .I mean i waited like 2 years for this.I don't know what to do.He can date in a year and a few months and we were planning on dating each other but....i don't know if that will happen now.I am willin to wait.He still likes me like that but....some of my friends think that he is denying how he really feels cause he wants to respect his parents and by respecting his parents ,he says,he will be respecting God.Which i want him too!I want too!This is really hard for me though and i don't know if i should wait around cause there's someone who wants to go out with me....but why should i go out with someone when my heart's with someone else? :sniffle: :sniffle: Please if you can.Help me!!!!I am so confused!Some friends say wait around for a while then some say give up. :bang: :bang: He acts like nothing ever happened.But stuff did happen.How can he just stop like this?Please help me.Thank you.I feel so insecure,scared,and alone.(just so ya know i am so scared of the future i worry all the time). :( :( :shake: :shake: Bye bye.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 6:56 pm
by Mangafanatic
You knew I would reply, didn't you? :P

Well, I know I've talked to you a bit about this, but I guess things might have changed since then. First of all, I'm really glad to see you being positive about him accepting that this specific young man accept what his parents have laid down as guide lines for him. That's a very good thing.

About this guy who wants to date you: If you don't like him, definitely don't date him. That's just leading him on and it's wasting your precious heart on someone who you aren't seriously interested in. I would hate to see you spend any of your heart on some one who wasn't worth it.

Secondly, do you know about this guy spiritually. If you're not sure about where he stands with Jesus, then I beg you to stay away from him. There's just so much heart ache connected to that, and the last thing you seem to need now is more reason to be hurt.

How can D--*mumble mumble* just stop liking you? Not too very long ago, I considered this very question. It made me mad. It made me confused, and it made me hurt. I know, atleast part of, what you're dealing with. It isn't fun. But I think part of the way that someone might "stop loving someone" is that they get into a relationship and then they figure out that the reasons they're in that relationship are wrong or that this relationship is causing them to stumble. I think that we both know that D--*mumble mumble*, felt like he was doing things his parents wouldn't want him to do. Plus, sometimes people change. As you two grow, there will just be natural ways that you'll mture into different people. Sometimes, people get to a point where they realize that the person they were when they started something isn't the person they are now. Or that the person they started dating isn't the person now that they were when they started the relationship.

At this point, I think you're doing the righ thing by stepping back. I'll be praying for you, as I do already, that you'll both have wisdow to handle this and that God will tell you both what's best for your sweet, tender little hearts.

And I'm sorry this is hurting you right now, darlin'. I love you SOOO much, and I just hate seeing the both of you having to deal with something so painful. PM me or IM me if you want to talk about this ever, k? :hug:

PostPosted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 6:57 pm
by Spiritsword
Aww, it's all right. God is *always* with you. :hug: I don't think I can offer much advice on relationships (not exactly my area of experience), but I can and will pray. Hang in there and trust in the Lord. ^___^

PostPosted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 9:53 pm
by bubblybubbly88
Thanks guys.I know I have my whole life ahead to fall in love and find that "special one",but at the same time i don't want to find anyone else.So I will wait and see i guess.Thanks again guys

PostPosted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 10:02 pm
by freerock1
Lifted one for you. May God grant you direction and peace in your heart.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 1:43 pm
by bubblybubbly88
Mangafanatic wrote:You knew I would reply, didn't you? :P

Well, I know I've talked to you a bit about this, but I guess things might have changed since then. First of all, I'm really glad to see you being positive about him accepting that this specific young man accept what his parents have laid down as guide lines for him. That's a very good thing.

About this guy who wants to date you: If you don't like him, definitely don't date him. That's just leading him on and it's wasting your precious heart on someone who you aren't seriously interested in. I would hate to see you spend any of your heart on some one who wasn't worth it.

Secondly, do you know about this guy spiritually. If you're not sure about where he stands with Jesus, then I beg you to stay away from him. There's just so much heart ache connected to that, and the last thing you seem to need now is more reason to be hurt.

How can D--*mumble mumble* just stop liking you? Not too very long ago, I considered this very question. It made me mad. It made me confused, and it made me hurt. I know, atleast part of, what you're dealing with. It isn't fun. But I think part of the way that someone might "stop loving someone" is that they get into a relationship and then they figure out that the reasons they're in that relationship are wrong or that this relationship is causing them to stumble. I think that we both know that D--*mumble mumble*, felt like he was doing things his parents wouldn't want him to do. Plus, sometimes people change. As you two grow, there will just be natural ways that you'll mture into different people. Sometimes, people get to a point where they realize that the person they were when they started something isn't the person they are now. Or that the person they started dating isn't the person now that they were when they started the relationship.

At this point, I think you're doing the righ thing by stepping back. I'll be praying for you, as I do already, that you'll both have wisdow to handle this and that God will tell you both what's best for your sweet, tender little hearts.

And I'm sorry this is hurting you right now, darlin'. I love you SOOO much, and I just hate seeing the both of you having to deal with something so painful. PM me or IM me if you want to talk about this ever, k? :hug:

He still likes me....but he's trying to hold off.You know? :stressed: :stressed: