i kinda feel a little odd posting this here. because alot of you don't really know me all that well, but i just really wanted to share this with you all.
i wanted to say that God is so faithful. the last few months have been so hard. right after grad, i moved to a new city, and so i rarely ever get to see my friends. i'm a really quiet person, and making new friends hasn't been very easy. well, so far, Febuary has been a month full of unexpected joy. all this month, friends from all over the province have each decided to come visit me. it is such a blessing to be able to fellowship with them again, and to see where God has been taking them. it had been in the works for two of my close friends to come out for about a month beforehand, but just last week, the very day my friend bev left to go home, i got a phone call from another friend, one who i didn't expect to see for a long while. he was calling to say that he was coming out on monday, with beka (another very close friend, who has been on my heart alot lately). i was so thrilled. so, they came, and left today. it was a joy. tonight kristy (some of you may know her as Dot) is comming to visit me for the week! Yay! i'll say it again, this has been such a blessing. Praise God.
on top of all of that, after work today, my mom comes to tell me that my sister is pregnant! wow! well, now i'd like to ask you, if any of you out there think of it, to please pray for her. she's not married, she is living with her boyfriend. (just so that you know, this prayer request doesn't have alot to do with her and her boyfriend). the request is mostly for the baby, she's had alot of trouble, and it has been common knowledge that she would probably never be able to have children. i believe she really wants to have some one day, and i hope and pray that this baby will be born healthy. i am afraid for her, i know i shouldn't be, because God is always in control, but i am afraid to see what would happen if she looses this baby. also, that her and this guy will wok out well together, she's had it real hard, and i think he is a good thing for her, i'd rather see her stay faithful to one man for the rest of her life, even if they arent married. she was raised in a christian home, but has spent her whole life running from God, and doing everything she could to control her own life. i do believe He will complete what He started in her heart, but it's still... she is so stubborn, i so want to see her soften her heart towards God. though deep down, i have confidence that that is happening aleady.
thanks so much to all you who read this... even still, i'm so happy for her, and so glad that i got to see some of my friends. it was such a great encouragement. and i'd like to say now, that it's been such a blessing, being able to pray for you all. i hope that all made enough sense... anyway, God bless!