ah... I just got back from my first Men's camping Retreat with people from a few churches around the place (most of them from here in CA, one was from, I think, Rhode Island). It was awesome and I got reminded of a lot of stuff that pertains to the spiritual life! We did all kinds of manly things too, like paintballing.
Ah, paintballing. Twas my first time I ever went and I must say it was VERY fun! Of course it's all fun and games until the Ref leaves saying "ok just play to finish up your paintballs; any rules you want!" and the 20-ft rule suddenly gets redefined to the less-than-1 foot rule. Naturally, me being the n00b, I was the one who fell victim to that. Here is a picture of my back. Hehe... it wasn't untill about 15 minutes after the games were all over and I was about to take a shower that I noticed how bad those two were. The pic was taken while I was having them treated by the nurse, so that white-ish goop stuff on the top one is just antibiotic ointment. While it feels ok right now, sleeping with them has proven to be a somewhat difficult thing. So, I'm just asking for prayer that these heal up fast ^^;