i'd like to lift up my friend matt in prayer. i grew up with the kid, but we both kinda fell outta touch after he transfered schools. in short, id really like to see him delivered from alcholholism [probally butchered the word], and would like to also pray for oppertunities to try to help him get back into a church. hes like me in the sense that we both wenta Christian schools most of our lives, but he ended up running into some bad company and kinda drug him down .. its also kinda lame that i have to ask this, but please pray that when i run into matt again that i maintain a firm witness and dont compromise my beliefs for the sake of awkward momments. its hard to be a "light" when a person from your past knows your old crap. also, id like to lift up his brother, tony. he got married a couple of years ago and has kids .. and i guess is developing a nasty addiction to coke. that stuff tears apart familys, so Ive been praying that God deliver the guy and get bring his attention back to him by whatever means. i know i dont know anybody here, but this feels like a legit board of believers, and any extra prayers would be incredibly awesome. thanks you guys.