Two close friends of mine may be homeless at the end of the month. Apparently, thier landlord is trying to get them evicted and is pulling these strings so they have to pay even more money though on thier contract, it doesn't even list the penalites or what not. She's baically trying to screw them over for lack of a better term and they dont have that much as it is. That have to pay 15 hundred each as well as an addtional 900 dollars that they said, was nowwhere in their contract. My one friend can pay up and can also find himself a another home with money to spare however the othert doesn't have the orginal payment and won't be able to pay it off. They had a previous roomate who took some of thier belongings and money when he left and is the reason they ar ebeing evicted (cause he played music to loud and caused toruble such as parties).
Please pray that God will provide and that they trust in him in this time of frustration, stress, and anger.