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Prayer Request Line

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Prayer Request Line

Postby DanekJovax » Sun Sep 28, 2003 9:59 pm

Just making a new topic for prayer requests; I did see several other request topics, but they seemed rather specific in need. I'm not deameaning any of these other requests (I'm actually praying for some as you read this), but rather felt led to make a general one for anyone to share requests and that we all can read them in one topic and pray over as we are led to do so.

Anyways, without further ado, I'm just asking prayers for:

- a safe trip that I'm taking from Kentucky to Virginia (about 8.5 hours) to see my Dad who was recently diagnosed with ALS.
- a quick and safe operation where my dad will be fitted with a PEG (a procedure allowing him to feed himself without having to eat/swallow - direct feeding tube to the stomach).
- my Dad to recover quickly and be able to strengthen himself.
- my Dad to start taking care of important things that he's been lax on.

Thanks in advance, and may the Lord's Will be done. Amen.
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Postby Spiritsword » Mon Sep 29, 2003 7:51 pm

I will pray for you and your father, Danek.
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Postby Blewin » Tue Sep 30, 2003 1:35 am

you and your dad're in my prayer.
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Postby DanekJovax » Sat Oct 04, 2003 8:19 pm

Thanks, minna.

There's always more things to pray for, even as I see prayers answered, and I really have this one weigh on me:

- Please pray that the Lord impresses upon my Dad the brevity of his situation, and that he takes the appropriate steps to help himself, and not hurt himself.

Thanks in advance.
<>< DanekJovax :2) ><>
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Postby Razgriz » Sat Oct 04, 2003 9:12 pm

Absolutely, Danek.
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Postby otaku » Sun Oct 05, 2003 7:53 pm

I shall.
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10/7 Update

Postby DanekJovax » Tue Oct 07, 2003 8:39 pm

Well, I've been back from the Virginia trip a few days, and so far my Dad's been hanging in there... not totally perfect for one who's suffering from Lou Gherig's disease, but he's doing well, considering.

He now is equipped with a GI tube (gastro-intestinal) to help him feed himself without the need to pass foods or liquids through his mouth/throat. With the paralysis of the tounge and throat muscles, eating and swallowing take on a whole new dimension of meaning... and difficulty. Much of the time, some of the food and liquid just fall into the trachea and get into the lung cavities, eventually causing coughing fits, chest congestion, and eventually infections. Apiration. This also causes him to use much of his energy trying to cough the food/liquid out, negating the caloric value of the food - he's been losing weight, and that's dangerous for someone who's already 15-20 lbs underweight.

Well, being able to feed himself with the GI tube should help him gain back his calories and keep him from aspirating as much. He can still eat and drink what he wants (though it's been discouraged because of the aspirating), but at least he has a way of feeding himself that keeps him from worrying about coughing up half of what he eats or wearing himself out from coughing (this is hell on a diaphragm and tires it out).

He had a nurse visit today and he was trained (again) on the use of the tube and was proscribed a meal plan for his GI tube, with arrangments on food deliveries to his door. Overall, I heard it went smoothly.

I have to take a moment and give thanks to the Lord that he has placed my God Parents nearby to help my Dad, as I live more than 8 hours' drive away, versus them being a mere 15 minutes away. They've helped in so many ways that I can't ever know how to repay them except in thanks to the Lord and in any othe way that I can. Funny thing is, they're not Christian (as far as I know)... but they're kind and good people... time i started witnessing to them again. ;2)

There's other matters surrounding my Dad, but I'll post that in another message, when I have the energy to post some more... I need to get to bed... I'm worn out from all the remodeling... ugh.

Oyasumi Nasai, Minna-san
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Postby Rashiir » Tue Oct 07, 2003 10:33 pm

Wait, your God-parents aren't Christian?
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Postby DanekJovax » Wed Oct 08, 2003 11:00 am

Well, they're of Christian up-bringing, but they're quite multi-religious in their current outlook on life. I'd consider them more agnostic than anything else. If you feel led to pray on this matter, please do so.
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Postby Shinja » Wed Oct 08, 2003 12:59 pm

wow, sorry to hear bout all that, ill pray for you and your dad.
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