Ah... here to put out a request...
I have a new friend I met through another friend. She's 2... oh wait, 3 years younger than me (cause today's me 18th Bday ) and she seems pretty kewl (she likes music groups that I like which is like unheard of). No, she's not my girlfriend, I only know her online.
Well, I looked at her DeviantArt ID today because she made a new one. I was shocked at what I learned. Right off the bat she stated that she is sexually active, bisexual relations to be more specific. I couldn't believe that at first considering the little that I did know about her. Of course I'm not saying that anyone who has premarital sex is evil or anything (unhappily, I have been there and done that myself --; Praise God I don't anymore.), but I am still saddened by the fact that someone like her would do that. I continued to read her ID and saw that she hates Christianity and "Bible-huggers" as she put it.
I feel called to talk to her, and I know that I must. But I am scared because of how things have gone in the past in such situations...
I also had this one friend... I knew her for a good while, all along thinking that she was a Christian and we shared a mutual intrest in STH related subjects. We'd chat for hours on those two subects... and then all hell broke lose between us. I found she was a Mormon. I prayed and tried and cried for her to change her ways because every day I was convinced more and more that Mormonism is not a valid form of Christianity, but she never listened. Eventually, she stopped listening to me and cut off all forms of communication with me, changed her e-mail and IM screennames, etc. It hurt so bad to have that relationship broken. As of late, I did find her e-mail again and we have chatted a bit, but I don't feel the same joy from her anymore. It feels like she hates me and she's trying to not show it.
Back to my other friend who I first mentioned... I feel called to talk to her... but I'm afraid that what happened with my Mormon friend will happen again. This thought of another broken relationship frightens me; I'm the kind of guy who will hold onto a friendship as long as I can.
So that's why I'm here tonight. I ask for some prayer support for both of those who I mentioned. I see a human soul behind both, whether adulterous or following bad religion... I know that I can't come close to loving them as much as God does... but I pray that God can use me to express that love as much as possible and to bring His truth to them. Please, mis hermanos y hermanas en Cristo, pray for me to have strength and that I'd listen to the Holy Spirit in this time. Pray that I may be a tool for God to use; a soldier for Jesus' army. I thank anyone who will do this for me from the bottom of my heart.