You guys, I need help. Many things. My late oniisama's birthday was yesterday and I'm reeling from that. (he's been gone less than a year and it hurts alot now without him).
I think I've given my heart away again and last time I did that, I got hurt majorly. I've prayed about it, but I'm still afraid that I'll be hurt again, even though he's so much better than the guy who ripped me to pieces before. But please pray about that.
And, I think I'm about to get involved in spiritual warfare major at school. Stuffs happening I can't ignore and I need to help! But my relationship with God's been on the rollar coaster ride and I don't feel ready. Advice and prayers would be GREATLY apprieciated! And pray we sell our house! Because I want to move...not....Thanks so much for all your prayers and please help me out.
Love You All,
Angel of Zarn