I've got a few problems. The first is that I'm lonely alot of the time. I often feel like i don't have anyone including God there with me. This doesn't help with my faith.
I've tried reading the bible more, but doing that hasn't helped me much. If i open it to a random page and start reading what i read seems nonsensical and irrelevant. An example: I just opened the bible to a random page and got exodus 29:31 - "Make the robe of the ephod entirely out of blue cloth." That verse seems meaningless to me.
I need prayer and advice on how to deal with my loneliness.
I have found one way that helps with my loneliness. H-games. H-games are usually dating sims where you play to get a girl and have sex with her. Playing these games helps me when i feel lonely. Of course they contain alot of sexual content which makes it very difficult for me not to lust. This takes me further from God.
So it's like a one-two punch Satan is dealing me. First the loneliness erodes my faith in God, then the H-games which help with the loneliness, but act to bring me even further from God.
I need prayer and advice on how to get closer to God.